There is some celebrities in emirates international school such as international day which mainly has tables from different countries with food that present it on it. Other celebrity is national day which is all about UAE which some people release balloons in the sky and have some Arabic dances in the stages which is a clebrity of when UAE was made and united. other celebrity that UAE celebrated from near could be expo 2020 but, it's not an every year clebrity it's about something that happened in UAE in the same year. other celebrity might be pink day which is for breast cancer. other one also could be blues day. there is also other celebrties in Emirates international school meadows like these ones.
Every five years, World Expos attract millions of visitors who explore and discover pavilions, exhibitions and cultural events staged by hundreds of participants including nations, international organisations and businesses. Each World Expo is a catalyst for economic, cultural and social transformation and generates important legacies for the host city and nation. For instance, Shanghai 2010 World Expo helped transform a heavily industrial city-centre area into a thriving cultural and commercial district while also bringing its theme “Better City, Better Life” to the attention of 73 million people.
Breast cancer awareness is an effort to raise awareness and reduce the stigma of breast cancer through education on symptoms and treatment. Supporters hope that greater knowledge will lead to earlier detection of breast cancer, which is associated with higher long-term survival rates, and that money raised for breast cancer will produce a reliable, permanent cure.
National Day is celebrated from 2 December each year in United Arab Emirates for two days or more (usually the 2nd and 3rd).[1][2] It marks the UAE's formal nationalisation from the British Protectorate Treaties which ended on December 1, 1971 and the eventual, federal unification of the seven emirates in 1971 which combined to form the modern-day country, headed by Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the federation's first president.